Vitex and Female Hormones

Vitex and Female Hormones

Vitex agnus-castus, also known as chaste berry or chaste tree, has been used in Europe for thousands of years. It has been used to treat female reproductive disorders and fertility for a long time. Vitex comes in the form of tinctures, tablets, or tea. What Does Vitex...
The Story on PCOS

The Story on PCOS

The story about PCOS is a little complicated because there are so many different factors at play. Despite the facts and rumors you have heard, some dietary and lifestyle modifications can make a huge difference in the symptoms and progression of this condition. What...
Acupuncture for Infertility

Acupuncture for Infertility

Have You Considered Acupuncture for Infertility? Acupuncture for infertility is becoming a popular natural alternative to conventional fertility treatments and a great adjunct to assisted reproductive technologies such as IVF. Acupuncture for infertility is a very...
Stress and Fertility: What You Need To Know

Stress and Fertility: What You Need To Know

Is stress holding you back from getting pregnant, or is not getting pregnant stressing you out? Either way, many women are struggling with similar issues but don’t feel comfortable talking about it. Some don’t even realize how stressed they are on a daily basis,...
Exercise and Fertility: Finding A Happy Balance

Exercise and Fertility: Finding A Happy Balance

Exercise and Fertility: Helpful or Harmful? Are you thinking of starting to exercise more as a way to boost your health and improve your fertility? Or have you stopped all forms of exercise because you’re scared that it’ll prevent you from getting pregnant? Before you...
The Optimal Fertility Diet

The Optimal Fertility Diet

I would love to say YES! Eat these exact foods, in this particular combination, at these specific times — and your fertility will skyrocket! There’s no magic nutritional formula for getting pregnant. However following our Optimal Fertility Diet may help in optimizing...