Are you frustrated trying to figure out this fertility journey on your own?


You are not alone, and I’m here to help!

You long to get pregnant and bring a healthy baby into this world.  I’m here to help you bring that dream into reality. Let me guide you.

Natural Fertility Treatments can help.

I can help you find answers for why you are not conceiving, what supplements to take, what lab tests to do, figure out your hormones, what to eat and more.

The Awaken Life Natural Fertility Method can help you get pregnancy naturally, or complement IVF/IUI.

As a Fertility Naturopath, I can help you find out the reasons why you are not getting or staying pregnant, and identify the best natural treatment options through a systematic and evidence-based approach.

Fertility Naturopath Dr Priya Prakash Naturopathic Doctor

Ready to try something else?

Book a free Online Discovery Session with me to learn how I can help you achieve optimal fertility and hormonal balance.

Fertility Naturopath Dr Priya Prakash Naturopathic Doctor

You should see a Fertility Naturopath if you can answer “YES” to any of the following questions:

  • Are you getting frustrated trying to figure out what to do on your fertility journey?
  • Are you searching for answers for why you’re not getting pregnant (or staying pregnant)?
  • Are you disappointed with your Fertility Clinic because you didn’t receive the care that you had hoped for?
  • Are you interested in a more natural approach to improve your fertility?
  • Are you on the waitlist for Ontario’s funded IVF cycle through your fertility clinic and want to know what you can do while you’re waiting?
  • Have you already had failed attempts at a Fertility Clinic, and are wondering what now?

Whether you’ve been diagnosed with unexplained infertility, low ovarian reserve, PCOS, irregular cycles, recurrent miscarriages, are overweight, fibroids, endometriosis, thyroid issues, hormone imbalances or any other fertility-related concern…

There is a different approach, and I’m here to guide you.

Searching for a Fertility Naturopath?  Look no further.

Fertility Naturopath Dr Priya Prakash Naturopathic Doctor

Hi, I’m Dr. Priya Prakash,

Naturopathic Doctor


I have 2 beautiful children now, but that didn’t come easily. I had my own 5-year fertility journey of waiting along with 3 miscarriages before conceiving my first child, and that journey came with a lot of struggle and unanswered questions. After a LOT of research, a LOT of testing, and trial and error, I finally found answers to why I wasn’t getting or staying pregnant. I don’t want anyone to struggle the way that I did or be lost without answers. That’s why I created my signature Natural Fertility Method, where I evaluate in you the most common Hidden Causes of Infertility, and guide you on a systematic approach through natural treatments. 

Join me, we are about to take your fertility journey in a whole new direction!

“We are fertile by nature. We just have to unleash that fertile power by gently guiding the body and supporting it with the right environment and nutrients.”

~ Dr. Priya Prakash, ND

Fertility Naturopath Dr Priya Prakash Naturopathic Doctor
Fertility Naturopath Dr Priya Prakash Naturopathic Doctor

How can a Fertility Naturopath help my fertility?

There’s much more to getting pregnant than putting egg and sperm together, and your fertility expands well beyond just your reproductive system.

The body works as an integrated unit. What happens in one area affects everything else.

If you are limiting yourself to only a conventional fertility assessment, you are MISSING a BIG part of the fertility puzzle.

What you eat, your stress levels, or other health symptoms are creating imbalances in your body that ultimately contribute to less than optimal fertility. It’s just that your fertility doctors aren’t telling you what to do about it.

That’s where a Fertility Naturopathic Doctor can really help.

Fertility Naturopath Dr Priya Prakash Naturopathic Doctor

The Awaken Life
Natural Fertility Method

Experience a Completely Different Approach

My approach to infertility starts with assessing the WHOLE person. I take a look at everything that’s going on in your body and lifestyle so that I can identify what the imbalances are and what is contributing to this. I take a much more comprehensive look at your hormones and nutrient levels. I uncover the Hidden Causes of Infertility that are often overlooked by traditional fertility doctors. Then, through a systematic approach, I gently guide the body towards better balance and optimal fertility.

When you balance each system in the body, fertility flows. That’s the Awaken Life way.

Fertility Naturopath Dr Priya Prakash Naturopathic Doctor

All Natural

I use an all natural approach to optimizing fertility, whether you are TTC naturally, or want to increase chances with IVF/IUI. I’m dedicated to bringing you safe, effective, and research-based natural treatments to help optimize your fertility and make your baby dreams a reality.


Consultations with me happen online through secure video chat (telemedicine). You have enough appointments and time taken off of work going through this fertility journey as it is. It’s super easy to see me, if you are anywhere in Ontario.


You are more than just your reproductive system. I integrate all aspects of your health, which means treating your entire body to support your fertility.  The Awaken Life method is very comprehensive and addresses the missing pieces of your fertility puzzle. 

Fertility Naturopath Dr Priya Prakash Naturopathic Doctor

Here’s why I’m best suited for you:

  • I have an extensive educational background in science and research
  • I have been through what you are going through.
  • I have developed a unique & effective system called the Awaken Life Natural Fertility Method that has a systematic approach, and is backed up by research, 8 years of clinical experience and personal history.
  • I am very familiar with the IVF/IUI process, fertility lab testing and I keep myself up to date with the latest fertility research.
  • I provide telemedicine consults (video consults online) to minimize your time taken off of work and your life
  • I will dig deep for answers for you, just like I did on my own journey
  • I will help you get the best treatment options for your unique situation.
  • It’s my life’s purpose and passion to help you conceive, because I don’t want you to struggle the way that I did.
Fertility Naturopath Dr Priya Prakash Naturopathic Doctor

I would be honoured to be part of your journey.

Motherhood has been one of the most transformative experiences of my life. It breaks my heart to see women who long for this but can’t seem to get there. I’m on a mission to help women, like you, who are looking for answers and want to improve their health to prepare for a healthy pregnancy. Join me!

Fertility Naturopath Dr Priya Prakash Naturopathic Doctor

I want to help you get there. The key to your fertility lies within you.

Let's Awaken it!