Looking for a Fertility Naturopath? Patient at the Ottawa Fertility Clinic?

Have you been considering seeing a fertility Naturopath or Naturopathic Doctor to help you get pregnant?   You’re in the right place! If you are a patient at a fertility Clinic such as the Ottawa Fertility Centre, or the many Fertility Clinics in Toronto, or anywhere else, keep reading, there’s a lot more that you can be doing to improve your fertility.

Are you frustrated trying to figure out this fertility journey?

I understand the challenges that most women and couples face when dealing with infertility.

Not only are you stressed out (more like devastated) from lack of baby, but you’re also dealing with social pressure and maybe even marital stress.  You may be trying to navigate the confusing world of IVF/IUI, or perhaps you are on a 1 year waitlist for Ontario’s funded IVF cycle. Trying to figure out how you can come up with the money to pay for it yourself can also be incredibly stressful.  You might have already had several failed attempts at a Fertility Clinic, and are wondering what now?

With all this going on, you’re also worrying about your age and the clock ticking. Dealing with everyone else around you getting pregnant or having babies is a mixed bag of emotions, and all the while, you’re still trying every cycle and obsessively checking for signs that you could be pregnant this time. Or, you’re down in the dumps after getting your period and are re-evaluating your entire life.

You are trying everything possible to get pregnant (or stay pregnant), and you wonder if there’s anything else that you could be doing to improve your chances.


Does this sound like you?


Tired of this? Ready to try something else? That’s where I come in.

Hi, I’m Dr. Priya Prakash,

Naturopathic Doctor


I help women and couples optimize their fertility and transform their health through the power of natural medicine.  I believe that the potential to create life is within all of us. Inherent to our fertile power is our balance and health. When the complex systems in our body are not in alignment with each other, creating life becomes difficult.   Fertility is about so much more than just putting egg and sperm together. There are so many factors that conspire together to create just the right environment for conception to happen. My own fertility journey led me to discover what those factors are and I’m on a mission to teach this to anyone who is struggling with infertility. There are natural solutions – we just need to discover what your body needs.

Join me, we are about to take your fertility journey to a whole new direction!

You’re Not Alone. And I’m Here to Help!

If you’ve been struggling with infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, or just want to make sure you’re in the best shape possible before trying or during treatments at a Fertility Clinic, you’re in the right place. My goal is to help you get pregnant and bring a healthy baby into this world. If you’re reading this, then I’m sure yours is too!

I’m here to help you bring that dream into reality. Natural Fertility Treatments can help.

Did you know that there are natural options that can help you get pregnant naturally, or complement IVF/IUI? If you’re trying to get answers to why you are not conceiving, what supplements to take, or what to eat or not eat through your own internet searching or what your fertility doctors say, then you are likely lost and are still looking for more answers.

A Fertility Naturopath can help you find out the reasons why you are not getting or staying pregnant, and identify the best natural treatment options through a systematic and evidence-based approach. 

Why see a Fertility Naturopath?

I am an Ontario-registered Naturopathic Doctor and I have dedicated my practice entirely to seeking more knowledge and research in the field of natural fertility treatments, and sharing that with my patients. I only see patients who have fertility-related concerns, so my expertise in this area has vastly expanded over the past 8 years in practice. If you are looking for a Naturopath to help improve your fertility or support you naturally while doing IVF or IUI, it’s important to seek out a Fertility focused Naturopath. You want to choose a practitioner who is well versed in the treatments and medications that are given during IVF/IUI, is familiar with fertility-specific lab testing, is up to date with the latest fertility research, and of course all of the available natural fertility treatment options. You want someone that knows what works and what doesn’t, and most importantly, someone who gets what you’re going through. 

I have 2 beautiful children now, but that didn’t come easily. I had my own 5-year fertility journey of waiting along with 3 miscarriages before conceiving my first child, and that journey came with a lot of struggle and unanswered questions. After a LOT of research, a LOT of testing, and trial and error, I finally found answers to why I wasn’t getting or staying pregnant. I don’t want anyone to struggle the way that I did or be lost without answers. That’s why I created my signature Natural Fertility Method, where I evaluate in you the most common Hidden Causes of Infertility, and guide you on a systematic approach through natural treatment treatments. You can read more about it here.

The internet can be a great place to learn about your options, but can often leave you even more confused and frustrated because you have no idea what actually works or not, what’s safe for you, or where to start.  A Fertility Naturopath can help you safely navigate the world of natural medicine and put you on a natural fertility treatment plan that is right for you.  

How can a naturopathic approach help my fertility?

There’s much more to getting pregnant than putting egg and sperm together, and your fertility expands well beyond just your reproductive system. 

We know that other systems in the body can affect our hormones and fertility, yet why is it that the conventional approach to evaluating and treating infertility is so hyper-focused on just the reproductive system? Yes, it is very important to know that all is working well directly within the reproductive system, but you can’t just stop there. You probably intuitively know that what you eat or your stress levels, or other health symptoms are creating imbalances in your body that ultimately contribute to less than optimal fertility. It’s just that your doctors aren’t telling you what to do about it. 

That’s where a Fertility Naturopathic Doctor can really help. The naturopathic approach to infertility starts with assessing and treating the WHOLE person. We take a look at everything that’s going on in your body and lifestyle so that we can identify what the imbalances are and what is contributing to this. When you balance each system in the body, fertility flows.. 

Naturopathic doctors order tests that take a more comprehensive look at your hormones and nutrient levels. I aim for optimal, not just normal. Being in the “normal range” of a blood test does NOT mean that you are at the optimal state for conceiving and carrying a baby to term. 

I use safe and effective herbs and supplements that can bring your hormones and your body back into balance, while guiding you through the optimal way to eat for fertility as well as helping you adopt healthier lifestyle habits.

We are fertile by nature. We just have to unleash that fertile power by gently guiding the body and supporting it with the right environment and nutrients. 

The Awaken Life
Natural Fertility Method

Experience a Completely Different Approach

My signature Natural Fertility Program is a unique system to help uncover the hidden imbalances leading to infertility. I use safe, effective, natural therapies to restore balance, optimize your fertility, support IVF and IUI, and assist with natural conception.

All Natural

I use an all natural approach to optimizing fertility, whether you are TTC naturally, or want to increase chances with IVF/IUI. I use evidence based treatments and I’m dedicated to bringing you safe and effective natural treatments to help support your journey towards achieving your best health.

Your Body

I consider more than just your symptoms. We integrate all aspects of your health, which means treating your entire body with an individualized approach. When the body is in balance, hormones naturally take their place, and fertility follows.

Your Voice

I want to get to know you, not just your medical related symptoms.  At Awaken Life, you get a chance to share your story, ask your questions, and be an advocate for your own health. Knowing more about you is the foundation for knowing how I can help you achieve your health goals.

Here’s why I’m best suited for you:

  • I have an extensive educational background in science and research, which has gifted me the skills to knowledgeably and thoroughly evaluate the safety and efficacy of natural fertility treatments available.

  • I have been through what you are going through. Knowing the pain and struggle of infertility has put me in a uniquely motivated place to prevent others from experiencing the same. I care. Deeply. My goal is to help you bring home a healthy baby as soon as possible.

  • My experience of infertility caused me to dig very deep into the research – much deeper than what most Naturopathic Doctors are ever taught in school. It is from this research that I developed my unique treatment method to improve fertility and help you achieve your highest state of health.

  • I work through telemedicine (video consults online). In the fertility world, there are SO many appointments that you have to go to so the convenience of an online appointment means you have more time to do the many other important things in your life.

  • Just like I dug deep when I was on my own fertility journey, searching for answers to why we weren’t conceiving or staying pregnant, I will do the same for you. You are looking for answers and I want to find them for you. I want to explore all of the potential causes of infertility for you so that you can get the best treatment options for your unique situation.

I would be honoured to be part of your journey.

 Motherhood has been one of the most transformative experiences of my life. It breaks my heart to see women who long for this but can’t seem to get there. I’m on a mission to help women, like you, who are looking for answers and want to improve their health to prepare for a healthy pregnancy. Join me!

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn How it Works!

Can I see a Fertility Naturopath if I’m doing IVF or IUI?

IVF and IUI are great tools to assist with getting pregnant, but don’t be fooled into thinking that they have guaranteed results or that they are improving your fertility in any way. These procedures do not treat imbalances, they just bypass them. The genetic material that you’re passing on to your potential embryo or fetus remains the same. Naturopathic fertility treatments can help to improve your health at the very level of your DNA, so that you are starting off with healthy, quality eggs and sperm. 

Did you know that it takes about 3 months for an egg to mature before ovulation, and for a mature sperm to develop? This means that your health, diet and lifestyle today, will affect the quality of your eggs and sperm 3 months from now. In that time, the growth environment can make a big impact on the health of the mature egg and sperm. Hormones, diet, nutrient availability, antioxidant status, immune health, toxin levels and stress levels all have a role in not only the health of egg and sperm, but for hormone balance, and the health of the uterus where conception and implantation may happen.

Before attempting IVF or IUI at a Fertility Clinic, it’s really important to prepare your body and make sure you’re in the best state of health possible, in order to maximize your chances of pregnancy success. The Awaken Life Natural Fertility Method can work as a complement to any treatments that you are doing at a Fertility Clinic, given that you have enough time to prep your body. 

The first step is booking a free Discovery Session so that I can hear your story and see if you are a good candidate for the Awaken Life Natural Fertility Method, and if we are a good fit to work together. 

I am already being followed by a Fertility doctor at a Fertility Clinic, can I still see a Fertility Naturopath?

If you are a patient at a fertility Clinic such as the Ottawa Fertility Centre, or the many Fertility Clinics in Toronto, great. Seeing a Reproductive Endocrinologist (Fertility Specialist) at a Fertility Clinic is a very important part of getting a complete workup. Without their expertise, it’s difficult to diagnose exactly what is going on and it opens up more possibilities for treatment options. Fertility Clinics like these help a lot of people, and I support their work and their goals. That said, when trying to become pregnant, especially when you might be spending thousands of dollars, I encourage everyone to pursue every avenue to get themselves in as optimal health as possible. This will help your chances of success with any treatments at a Fertility Clinic. A Fertility Naturopath can help in ways that are different than Fertility Doctor can. We look at the whole body, not just your reproductive system. We can help to balance your hormones, not just direct your hormones with medications. We help to improve your diet and lifestyle, which are often completely ignored in conventional fertility treatments. We help to reduce the stress that you are going through. We are the most educated practitioners on drug-herb or drug-supplement interactions, so we make sure that our treatments are safe take to complement and not interfere with whatever treatments that you may be doing at your Fertility Clinic. 

My Natural Fertility Program is designed for this. I will take you through my unique comprehensive approach to optimizing your fertility, and getting you to your highest level of health. I’ll continue to safely support and enhance your IVF/IUI cycle during the treatment cycle to increase your chances of success.

The first step is booking a free Discovery Session so that I can hear your story and see if you are a good candidate for the Awaken Life Natural Fertility Method, and if we are a good fit to work together. 

I don’t even want to do IVF or IUI - Can I still get pregnant naturally?

Depending on your situation, there is still a good chance that natural pregnancy can happen, with the right move towards improving your fertility. Though it really depends on your specific circumstances, your health, your age, and your partner’s willingness to participate in getting healthy (remember it takes two to tango!). There are situations where IVF or IUI are great tools to speed up the process, but for the most part people can do this with a natural approach if they are willing to put in the effort, time and make the changes needed to transform their health.  A fertility Naturopath is the most qualified practitioner to help guide you on the journey if you want to do this naturally. 

The first step is booking a free Discovery Session so that I can hear your story and see if you are a good candidate for the Awaken Life Natural Fertility Method, and if we are a good fit to work together. 

I want to help you get there. The key to your fertility lies within you.

Let's Awaken it!